I am sure I don’t have to remind you that mothering is hard work! It’s how it’s meant to be.

When God put Adam and even in the garden home, he gave them work to do—and that was before the fall of man. Don’t despise that your career takes work!

Work is a blessing. Work is therapeutic. Work releases creativity.

God told the first couple to “dress” the garden. The word in the Hebrew is avad and means to “work until weary, to be fatigued.”

God reiterates the same theme in the New Testament in 1 Timothy 5:10 where He tells us that feeding and raising children is a “good work.” The Greek word is ergon and means, “work that is not accomplished by a single act but by accumulated labor and continued work.” That sounds like daily mothering, doesn’t it?

Rejoice as you work. Sing while you work. You are in the perfect will of God.

Love from Nancy