By Nancy Campbell on Friday, 20 July 2018
Category: Women's Daily Encouragement Blog


I became pregnant for the first time in 2004, four years into our marriage. We made the announcement to friends and family at Christmas and sadly, I miscarried a few weeks later which was absolutely devastating.

The Lord blessed us with our first-born daughter in 2006 and a son in 2008. I became pregnant again a few years later. Sadly, that pregnancy also ended in miscarriage. Experiencing two miscarriages was so physically and emotionally stressful that I told myself I wasn’t going to have any more babies. We are so thankful that the Lord had other plans!

I became pregnant and gave birth to a healthy baby girl in 2017 at the age of 40! I wish I could tell every mother to have a baby at 40 if she is able. It has energized me like nothing else. It has renewed my joy in mothering. It has expanded my heart. Watching our older children with a brand new sibling has brought a joy to our family that we could (and do!) just burst with overflowing gratitude. It has made me appreciate every stage of mothering that I am in right now.

I thought I loved my older children as much as I ever could, but this new addition has made me love them even more as I watch them love her! Every day is more exciting than the last as we all adore this baby together.

I often tell people that I wish we would have started having children sooner and had many more, but my plans and selfishness stood in the way early in our marriage. I know the Lord’s plan is the very best and I could not be more thankful that His ways are not our ways and that He is gracious and merciful. Even though I am heading toward my 42nd birthday, I am praying that the Lord might bless us with at least one more precious baby.

Windermere Florida
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Steve and Heidi with Maggie (12),Steven (9) and baby Samantha (13 months).