By JOE GOODALE on Monday, 15 June 2020
Category: Women's Daily Encouragement Blog


After listening to PODCAST 82 (From Our Home to Yours with Nancy Campbell) Jennifer Stone wrote this little testimony:

“Dear Mrs. Campbell,
I set the table last night and I was very pleasantly surprised by my nine-year-old son's reaction. He sat up straight, held his napkin in his lap, tried to use his best manors, asked to be excused, and pushed his chair back under the table! Will said he learned about pushing the chair back under the table from watching Bananza, HA. He loves old Westerns.

We eat together as a family daily, but I never set the table. I stack all the plates and spoons in one pile in front of me, then make plates and pass them out after the blessing. A single spill proof water bottle is shared. This all is partly because, up until now, I've had so many babies that would throw everything on to the floor sooner and repeatedly more than I could stop them.

We have gone over table manners before. But last night, I did not declare that this would be a practice time. Everyone, especially Will, just took it upon themselves to be as proper as possible, without me saying a word, JUST BECAUSE THE TABLE LOOKED NICER THAN USUAL.

That's remarkable, because our table is too small for a centerpiece. The most unique thing I added was ready made individual glasses of water and old dried out sticky pads with their names written in cursive with an adjective sitting on their plates:
Wise William,
Jubilant Juniper,
Wonderful Wisteria,
Lovely Lois,
Darling Daddy 😄.

Thank you for a nice dinner, Jennifer Stone.”
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Here is the link for Podcast 82 if you would like to listen:…/2428814-episode-no-82-table-ti…