By Nancy Campbell on Monday, 17 April 2017
Category: Women's Daily Encouragement Blog


I read some time ago that the home is the emptiest place in America during the day. God never intended the home to be empty. Jesus told the parable of the man who made a big banquet and told his servant to “Go out into the highways and hedges, and compel them to come in, that my house may be filled” (Luke 14:23).

This is a picture of God’s house. He wants His home to be filled. Because we are to be like Him, He wants our homes to be filled too. Not only filled with furniture and décor, but filled with people. He wants them to be filled with family togetherness--food, feasting, friendship, fellowship, and fun.

When a mother leaves her home and the family members scatter each day, the home is fragmented. The home is meant to be the strength of the nation where the family learns together, works together, and grows stronger together.

If your home doesn’t have enough people, open your doors of hospitality and invite others in to fill your home and show them God’s love. God loves to say, “Come.” Do you?

Have a great day,

Nancy Campbell