Ark2The Ark of the Covenant speaks of salvation and preservation.

There are three arks spoken of in the Old Testament.

1. THE ARK OF NOAH (Genesis 6:13 – 9:18).
It was made of gopher wood and pitched within and without with a kind of a tar substance.

2. THE ARK OF MOSES (Exodus 2:3-6).
This ark was made with reeds and pitched within and without, with possibly the same substance as Noah’s ark. Our salvation and preservation is both internal and external.

This ark represents Jesus Christ, His word, and His blood. There are twelve different names given to the Ark of the Covenant:

1) THE ARK OF THE TESTIMONY (Exodus 25:22). Without question Jesus Christ is our ark of preservation and salvation. He is also our testimony. Whatever He says, we say. His lifestyle on earth was His testimony and should be our testimony also. What He said in His Word was His testimony and what He says now through His anointed preachers, teachers, and followers in His New Testament church is still His testimony. It is given to us so that by His Spirit we will make it our own testimony.

Revelation 19:10: “And he said unto me . . . I am thy fellow-servant, and of thy brethren that have the testimony of Jesus: worship God: for the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.”

To be continued.

Be encouraged.

Colin Campbell