By Colin Campbell on Tuesday, 10 May 2016
Category: Meat For Men Daily Encouragement Blog


Jacob realized that the God of his fathers, Abraham and Isaac, was a holy God with an awesome presence that caused Jacob to say: “How dreadful (fearful) is this place” (Genesis 28:17). Perhaps for the first time in his life he was afraid of God. Jacob realized that there was something special about this place where he set up pillars for his head to sleep on. He spoke out and said: “This is none other but the house of God.”

Even though God is omnipresent and the whole of heaven and earth belongs to Him, He chooses certain places to reveal Himself to us. God wanted Jacob to understand that He chooses some places to be more special than others. Some places will be more like God’s house to us than other places. God loves to dwell in houses and He loves to reveal Himself to us in special places.

Jacob honestly felt that God’s presence was in this place far more than any other place he had been. He was so impressed with this place as he realized it was a gateway or an entrance into Heaven itself. This was where angels came down on a ladder to bring answers from Heaven. This was where angels took our requests and needs back into Heaven to God Himself who stood above that ladder.

What a great thing it is when we can find such a place where God’s ministering angels are so active to meet our needs. How blessed we are when we find a place like this where we can lay down our wearied heads at night and have God minister to us through His angels.

To be continued.

Be encouraged.

Colin Campbell