By Colin Campbell on Wednesday, 06 January 2016
Category: Meat For Men Daily Encouragement Blog


The warhorse described in Job 39:19-25 certainly had the right attitude about battle. This horse was built and bred for speed, strength, and endurance of the horrors and demands of the battlefield. Most of us do not see ourselves as warhorses. We do not care to put ourselves in harm’s way. Our highest aspirations are for peace and tranquility. We usually prefer the easy road.

However, life is fraught with ups and downs, mountains and valleys. Many of the battles we face we wish we did not have to face and we wish they would just go away. But sadly that is not usually the case. Rather, they continue to dog us until we decide to take action and often we take the wrong action and make matters worse.

Goliath looked like a warhorse and David did not. But who was the greatest warhorse? We know the answer--David

The apostle Paul, whose name meant “small,” did not look like a warhorse and yet he was one of the early church’s greatest warriors. Samson, despite what most think, did not look like a warhorse in any shape or form and yet what an incredible havoc he wrought on the Philistines.

Jesus Christ, the meek and gentle Lamb of God did not look like a warhorse and yet he fought and overcame the battle of all battles against sin and Satan and won the greatest victory of all.

All the warhorses of faith in Hebrews chapter 11 did not look like warhorses, but their names go down in the Scripture’s Hall of Fame as the greatest warriors of all time. They were recorded in Scripture for our benefit so we would also take courage and fight in the day of battle. Like the warhorse in Job 39 they had the right attitude about spiritual warfare.

Be encouraged.

Colin Campbell