Another great aspect of keeping our eyes lifted from self to behold the high worthiness of our Savior Jesus Christ is the freedom from the negatives that self imposes upon us. Instead of the flaws and weaknesses of self we exceedingly rejoice in the high worthiness of our Savior. Through the cross He has made us worthy to have our prayers answered. We must never forget that His worthiness is not just for Himself, but from our perspective, His worthiness is put to our account.

Therefore, keeping our eyes on the worthiness of the Lamb of God sets us free from the flaws and weakness of our own self-image. Psychology tries to find new ways for us to feel good about our self-image. However, this can only be found in our position in Christ which God has so graciously granted to us.

Outside of Jesus Christ our self-image is greatly flawed. Outside of Christ our self-image can be very self-assured or self-confident. Some may consider themselves as self-confident, self-accomplished, self-prideful, and self-made. In such a person, there are many flaws and deceptions. Others may be flawed with a very low self-esteem and have no confidence to get through life.

The truth is that if we lift up our eyes to the worthiness of Christ and all His benefits toward us, then and then only, will we be set free from ourselves and the pull of this earth.

Be encouraged.

Colin Campbell