By Colin Campbell on Wednesday, 09 July 2014
Category: Meat For Men Daily Encouragement Blog


Ephesians 5:11 challenges us to "Have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them."

Salt, is a wonderful spice for enhancing the flavor of food and is also a powerful preservative. The Scripture spiritualizes the value of salt, especially in these two areas. As believers, we are the salt of the whole earth. We are to make the earth palatable to God. As salt destroys corruption and purifies in order to preserve what is good, so we are to actively attack all corruption around us. Whenever we discover corruption in our own lives, or in our families, we must activate the salt shaker.

We must dispense the salt wherever we go. We need to shake our salt all over Washington DC. We must REPROVE the works of darkness, or as other translations say, EXPOSE the works of darkness.

I believe the whole nation needs to be shaken with a heavy dose of salt. We Christian men have access to the same salt that Jesus had, the Word of Truth coupled with a Spirit-filled life. Most Christian men are not using the salt shaker liberally, therefore corruption abounds.

Let's be filled with the Holy Spirit and God's Word--and keep on shaking the salt.

Be encouraged.

Colin Campbell