f) ENCOURAGING EYES are the opposite of being critical and condemning. Instead, they convey to your child that you believe they can make it through the tests and disciplines of life. Even when the child fails, your eyes will not convey a sense of hopelessness and failure, but rather a look of encouragement and optimism to try again.

g) PURE EYES look for righteousness. Pure eyes will not look upon evil. No man can look righteously at his wife and daughters if his eyes look at pornography. God is calling His men to have pure eyes that are full of light.

The description of Jesus in Revelation 1:14; 2:18; and 19:12 describes his eyes as “a flame of fire.” Daniel’s vision reveals His eyes as “lamps of fire” (Daniel 10:6).

Conversely, icy, cold eyes reveal that our hearts have not yet been turned toward God’s heart for children. This includes indifferent eyes, uninterested eyes, critical eyes, unloving eyes, prideful eyes, and dishonest and lying eyes.

Shifty eyes cannot be trusted. Flattering eyes also cannot be trusted. Eyes that will not look you full in the face signify dishonesty. Winking eyes denote trickery. Flirting eyes promote unholy relationships. Unholy eyes are full of lust.

Let’s live in God’s presence and in His Word to keep pure eyes.

Be encouraged.

Colin Campbell