By Colin Campbell on Tuesday, 02 May 2017
Category: Meat For Men Daily Encouragement Blog


Parents want their children to be well educated in all things that pertain to this life. I have noticed how parents are proud to talk about their children’s success in academia and the college degrees they acquire. Personally, I have no problem with this for it is a good thing for parents to be proud of their children’s achievements in life.

What bothers me, is the failure of Christian parents to be concerned about their children’s education in the school of prayer and the school of walking closer to God. What’s the point of educating the natural man while the spiritual man, deep down inside the hearts and spirits of our children, continues to remain mostly uneducated, underdeveloped, and ineffective? Ph.Ds. and doctorates have not done anything to help America’s morals and arrest the social values that are racing down the slippery slope to spiritual bankruptcy.

We are asleep if this does not concern us.

Be encouraged.

Colin Campbell