PassBaton4Men, we must form godly convictions regarding standards of dress, speech, work, honesty, integrity, loyalty, and going the second mile, just to mention a few. Jesus Christ's Sermon on the Mount is all about Christian values and standards.

If we do not read and acquaint ourselves regularly with this Number One message of Jesus, our Lord and Savior, we will be like the man who built his house upon the sand which fell when the storms came.

Much of the church is fooling themselves by being partially involved with Christian values and at the same time involved with worldly and fleshly values which are in direct opposition to the Kingdom of Christ. The boundaries of Christian values on alcohol, drugs, sex, R-rated movies, porn, tattoos, provocative dress standards, and easy divorce and abortion are being constantly eroded and squeezed aside in order to embrace an ever increasing liberal world view and lifestyle.

All the while the Scriptures, like a lighthouse, warn us of the impending danger of destroying rocks. Preachers must preach the whole counsel of God regarding Christian ethical standards and values. Parents much teach the whole counsel of God to their children. The truth is that today many Christian ships are sailing far too close to the rocks for their own safety. We must observe God's Guide Standard through the rocks at all times lest we shipwreck and lose everything.

The Bible is a book of salvation through the blood of Jesus Christ in order to live a life of godly standards and values. God told Moses to put a three-day gap between the values of Egypt and God's people (Exodus 3:18 and 5:3).

Men, knowing some of the truth is not really knowing the truth. Knowing some truth can be dangerous. We must have an appetite to know all the truth. As fathers who fear God, we have an awesome responsibility to teach our children the whole truth, not just some of it. We are fooling ourselves by only being standard bearers of some truth, or that which suits our lifestyle.

Be encouraged.

Colin Campbell