Stand For What is RightMen, I believe that the truth on the matter of judging others in Matthew 7:1 is more in the area of not being a fault-finder of others except ourselves. It does not mean that in the love of God for sinners that we cannot stand against corruption, lies, and false standards. It does not mean that we cannot influence sinners away from their immoral lifestyles. If that was the case, how do we interpret the following Scripture?

Psalm 94:16: "Who will rise up for me against the evildoers? or who will stand up for me against the workers of iniquity?" Should we keep quiet and say nothing against the Islamic terrorist militants who are shooting, beheading, and shedding innocent blood in many nations throughout the world, including our own nation?

Should we be silent and not stand up against the shedding of the blood of over 50 million unborn babies in our nation who were alive in their mothers' wombs?

Should we be silent and not stand up against the murderers and serial killers who snuff out the lives of our fellow citizens every day in America? Should we be silent and not speak out against the immorality and the industries promoting it? It is polluting the very souls of our nation.

Should we not speak up against political liberalism and hatred toward conservative groups and individuals who are being targeted by government agencies such as the IRS, CPS and liberal court judges?

Yes, a thousand times yes. We must speak up and do what we can to halt the spread of evil anywhere it raises its godless head. It amazes me that whenever someone speaks up against evil how many so-called, secular, brain-washed Christians (who are opposed to speaking out against anything that might be interpreted as judging) quickly jump on their soap boxes and try to shout down the voice that is raised up against evil. They are hypocrites for they are doing themselves what they declare they are opposed to. Yes, they themselves judge and condemn with lots of venom. You had better believe it.

Fathers, we must teach our children to make righteous judgments. We must teach our children what it means to speak up and stand up for godly values,. We must also teach them how to condemn evil and speak out against it in a compassionate and godly way. We must not allow our government, professors of education, or even compromising church leaders or celebrities (no matter how famous) overrule or undermine standing up for godly values.

Be encouraged.

Colin Campbell