MenOCharacterWhen a real man of God goes to work, he rolls up his sleeves, gets stuck in, and does his very best. And he does this consistently.
It's easy to cheat on your employer by using your personal phone work hours. A real son of God will not text in the boss's time. This is all part of the easy road. No, a thousand times No to all these slouchy easy-going attitudes.
If you are in a job where the unions are forcing you to take your time and drag your feet, look for other employment. It is bad for your character to be submitted to such godlessness.
The easy road is filled with takers that think the world owes them something. They always have their hands out to get paid for doing next to nothing. The easy roaders wait for others to pay for them at the restaurant. They love to eat food provided by others. Away with such nonsense. God did not create man to be so apathetic and useless. He created us to be people of character.
Those walking the narrow road have true servant hearts and can't wait to do something to help their fellow man.
Be encouraged.
Colin Campbell