By Colin Campbell on Monday, 18 May 2015
Category: Meat For Men Daily Encouragement Blog


"Blessed are in the pure in heart: for they shall seek God" (Matthew 5:8).

"Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me" (Psalm 51:10).

As I write on this beatitude I feel a strong excitement welling up in me. I sense the Lord will give me some very challenging thoughts and revelations to share.

To have a pure heart in the midst of a polluted world is a miracle. However, the God we serve is pure and holy, far beyond our limited understanding, and our God is in the business of performing miracles. I think that the heart of man is where miracles are needed most, don't you?

Most civilized men seek to keep their physical bodies clean on a daily basis, but God is far more concerned with the cleanness of men's hearts than the cleanness of his body. The body of a man who is unwashed and unclean is difficult to be around for any length of time and most people shun his presence. However, although a man may clean himself ever so much in order to be acceptable in the presence of his fellow men, God smells the hearts of men and is not so concerned with his body.

The only fragrance that impresses the heart of our Holy God is the fragrance that comes up to Him from the pure hearts of His true people. Just as we don't like to be around smelly bodies, God does not like to be around smelly hearts where all sorts of filth and disgustingly dirty lusts are allowed to reign.

Be encouraged.

Colin Campbell