By Colin Campbell on Wednesday, 06 April 2016
Category: Meat For Men Daily Encouragement Blog


I cannot help give praise to God for the victory for Ted Cruz in Wisconsin. The country needs a man with a proven track record of standing up against the liberal agenda of the Washington establishment. We simply cannot afford to put in another president just because he seems to say some good things, but has little if any history to back it up. We must continue to earnestly pray that God will continue to give Ted Cruz great favor in all of the remaining states, no matter what the polls or pundits say or think.

We certainly do not deserve a righteous president to lead us. As the old saying goes, “A nation gets what it deserves.” Nevertheless, as we have been sharing God’s revelation concerning His glory to Moses, we note that God loves to show mercy. Judgment is His last resort. Because of God’s great mercies, we must continue to plead before God this wonderful attribute of His character for our nation and for these elections.

Shallow Christians, who have no great insight and depth of understanding, can easily be tricked and fooled into believing false promises at election time. This is why a track record of standing against the crowd and the compromising status quo is so important. The man who does this is Ted Cruz.

Be encouraged.

Colin Campbell