StandUpAccording to the 1893 Webster's Dictionary, the word "tolerate" means:
1. "to allow or permit negatively by not preventing, not to restrain as to tolerate opinions or practices."
2. "the power or capacity of enduring."

We conclude that tolerance itself is not a bad thing if used correctly. However, if it is used to sanction evil behavior, e.g. murder, rape, and immoral behavior that corrupts cultural values as well as bringing judgment from the God fo heaven and earth, then we must steadfastly resist abusing tolerance.

Because the homosexual community screams out their values, flaunts their behavior in the gay pride parades, and seeks to push their immoral agenda in our state education system, it does not mean that the rest of us who fear God should not be alarmed, disgusted, or even outraged by all this being rammed down our throats.

They are alarmed when we express vocally our indignation and they want to imprison us for "hate speech" when we speak out. The fact that 36 states of our nation have now fallen for their demands to legalize homosexual marriage in the name of tolerance is like poking a stick in the eyes of God who has shown us many undeserved mercies.

Where is the fear of God in the legislators of our states? Why have we hardened our hearts against His laws? Have we become so ungrateful for all His benevolence towards us? Do we not care if God should decide to stand up against us and become our enemy? The words in Isaiah 63:10 should cause us to walk in the fear of God: "But they rebelled, and vexed his holy Spirit: therefore he was turned to be their enemy, and he fought against them."

It seems to me that if we do not have the moral courage to stand against the violation of the sanctity of the holy marriage institution as given by God between one man and one woman, we are standing on dangerous ground.

All this is happening because we have, and are abusing tolerance.

Be encouraged.

Colin Campbell