gulliblesTomorrow I will vote against Hillary. Forget politics, I must be faithful to my conscience. Because I belong to God’s kingdom, I belong to a kingdom of life. Therefore, I must vote for life, to save life, to preserve life, and to vote against murder. Dear fellow wives and mothers who love life, we must face the fact that to vote for Hilary is to vote for death.

She will continue her war against babies and 60,000 more babies will die in the womb every year, paid for by our taxes. She will repeal the Hyde Amendment, which bans the use of federal funds to pay for abortions (except for the life of the mother, rape or incest).

We cannot bury our head in the sand to the fact that she believes “The unborn person doesn’t have Constitutional rights,” right up to its due date. Another 18,000 or more babies will die each year in excruciating pain through late term abortions! How can we blindly let this happen?

Before Proverbs 31 gives the description of the virtuous woman, it first states: “Speak out on behalf of the voiceless, and for the rights of all who are vulnerable. Speak out in order to judge with righteousness and to defend the needy and the poor” (Proverbs 31:8, 9 CEB).

She cannot wait to appoint pro-choice unconstitutional Supreme Court judges and boldly states: “The only people that I would ever appoint to the Supreme Court are people who believe that Roe V. Wade is settled law.” She will continue to finance Planned Parenthood to do more and more abortions and sell the body parts. In fact, she stated, “I would like to see Planned Parenthood even get more funding.” Why did Planned Parenthood invest $30 million toward her presidential race?

And you know, of course, that this is issue is only the beginning of her destructive plans to bring down this nation that was founded on godly principles.

I do not vote for myself, but to save this nation from destruction. I vote for my children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, and the generations to come. I don’t want them to live in a country where God’s original plan for man is totally violated. Already LGBT people have the same rights as lawfully married couples, and it will get worse. If we don’t vote against Hilary, we will see the beginning of Christian persecution. She has already told the nation that “Deep seated cultural codes, religious beliefs, and structural biases have to be changed.” Look out everyone.

But we have a chance today and tomorrow to stop this landslide of death and destruction of all moral and biblical values. It’s no use crying out for the life of the unborn after this election if we don’t take a stand today. It’s no use crying out because we face persecution when we have an opportunity now to vote against it. It’s no use complaining that terrorists are filling our nation if we don’t vote to stop it now.

We have the opportunity and power in our hands today and tomorrow to stop evil! “Who will rise up for me against the evildoers: or who will stand up for me against the workers of iniquity? (Psalm 94:16).

Here’s one more article to read amongst the thousands that are out there:…/gullible-ch…/

Let’s turn back the tide of evil,

Nancy Campbell

Dear readers, some folks commented on Facebook that we don’t have to worry about voting, but instead just trust God. Yes, I believe in trusting God, but we also must take action. Does a mother sit by when her child is in danger, or nearing a cliff? “I’ll just trust God,” she says as she relaxes.

No, she rushes to save her child. She screams out to save her child. She will lose her own life to save her child. God puts this fierce protecting instinct within us to save our children. We should have this same alarm as our nation rushes to destruction, because we want to save our children and children's children.

~ Nancy


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