TheyWatchYou“As is the mother, so is the daughter” (Ezekiel 16:44). Isn’t this a challenging statement? Our children become like us. They watch us all day long. If we are sour and miserable, always complaining and sighing, then expect whining children! If we keep a smile on our face and praise the Lord, even in the midst of difficulties, our children learn this behavior also.

I am also challenged by the words of William Booth, the founder of the Salvation Army. Back in 1884 he wrote: “Your children are young, and perhaps cannot read their Bibles at present; but now, and as they grow older and all the way up to manhood, they ought to be able to read the will of God expressed in your life. SO BE SURE YOU WRITE IT PLAINLY, AND IN LARGE LETTERS. You will always be in sight, and they can read you by night and by day all the year round.”

And here’s a little poem called (not written by me):

There are little eyes upon you
And they're watching night and day.
There are little ears that quickly
Take in every word you say.
There are little hands all eager
To do anything you do;
And a little girl who's dreaming
Of the day she'll be like you.

You're the little angel's idol,
You're the wisest of the wise.
In her little mind about you
No suspicions ever rise.
She believes in you devoutly,
Holds all you say and do;
She will say and do, in your way
When she's grown up just like you.

There's a wide-eyed little girl
Who believes you're always right;
And her eyes are always opened,
And she watches day and night.
You are setting an example
Every day in all you do;
For the little girl who's waiting
To grow up to be like you.

Have a great day,

Nancy Campbell

P.S. I am not sure of the author of this poem. I have read of three different names for authors, although most times it says “Author unknown.”


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