THE WIND OF THE HOLY SPIRIT - Continuing the characteristics of the warhorse.

HisNostriles4. HIS NOSTRILS

Job 39:30: “The glory of his nostrils is terrible.”

There is something awesome and terrible about the nostrils of the warhorse. He breathes through his nostrils the breath of life that gives him strength and stamina for the battle. Whether the battle be in the valley or on the mountain top his nostrils provide him with all the air he needs to not only carry himself, but also the rider and whatever load he has to carry. Though the valleys may be full of mud, bogs, and potholes, or the mountains dangerously steep, his nostrils do not fail to supply him with all the oxygen his strength requires to succeed.

When a human baby is born, the body requires their lungs to be developed enough to provide them all the oxygen they need to be strong and healthy. If their lungs are not developed, as in a premature baby, they may not survive without the help of modern medical assistance.

When a man is spiritually born again, he receives oxygen and air from the Holy Spirit to enable him to live in the new spiritual realm of life. This air or breath is called Holy Spirit life.

John 20:22 says: “He (Jesus) breathed on them, and saith unto them, Receive ye the Holy Ghost.” This was the beginning of the new walk the disciples experienced with the Holy Spirit, bringing a new type of breathing into their spiritual nostrils.

Acts 2 speaks of the terrible, awesome, rushing mighty wind that filled the house where the disciples were sitting. This is the wind of the Holy Spirit that turned the disciples into the most powerful Spirit-filled warhorses.

God definitely wants all of us to have strong spiritual nostrils to breathe in the air and wind of His awesome Spirit. The more we expose our spiritual nostrils to the atmosphere and breath of the Holy Spirit, the more powerful we will be to change the world around us.

Be encouraged.

Colin Campbell


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