GreaterVictories6a. HIS STRENGTH continued.

Men, as the warhorse rejoiced in his strength, so we should rejoice in the One who gives us all the strength we need to not only fight in the battles, but also to win every battle.

In 2 Corinthians 12:7-9 Paul talks about the battle he continually faced which he described as a “messenger from Satan to buffet him.” He cried out to God three times to be delivered, but what did God answer? “My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness.”

We should therefore glory (boast) and confess our weaknesses in order to receive the strength and power of God to come upon us. I believe that Paul was not encouraging people to praise their lack of strength, but rather to make honest, humble confession of our human weaknesses and inabilities. This leads us to ask and claim the power of God to be given to us in exchange for our total weaknesses and inabilities.

There are far too many Christians who continually talk about their sicknesses and diseases in order to get people to feel sorry for them. It would be far better for them to share with their friends of God’s great manifestation of power upon them in response to their humble confession of weakness

The psalms are full of David confessing God has his strength (Psalm 18:1, 2; 27:1; 28:7, 8 and many more).

The more we acknowledge our weakness and rejoice in His strength He gives to us, the greater will be our victories.

Be encouraged.

Colin Campbell


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