BuildAllTimeWithout purpose, we flounder. Lose heart. Lose our joy. Purpose gives us strength. We can push through difficulties and endue hardships to make things happen when we have purpose.

Dear mother in the home, God has given you a purpose. He doesn’t leave you wallowing. He has given you children to train for Him—for His purpose in this world and ultimately for eternity. He has blessed you with a home to make a sanctuary for Him. He has given you mandate to build a strong marriage and family that will strengthen this nation (Proverbs 14:1).

But sometimes in the midst of all the mess—babies, diapers, laundry, and dishes, you can lose sight of your goal. Or maybe you’ve never actually understood your purpose.

In 1 Kings 5:5 Solomon states: “And, behold, I PURPOSE to build a house unto the name of the LORD my God.” I love this statement. He didn’t hope to build a house for God. He purposed to build it.

You are also building a house for the name of the Lord God. Have you made it your purpose? This statement is repeated in 2 Chronicles 2:1, 4: “And Solomon DETERMINED to build a house for the name of the LORD and a house for his kingdom.”

The same Hebrew word is used in both instances, “amar” and it means “to say, declare, boast, publish, report, speak, answer, command, etc.” Many different words about speaking. This Hebrew word is used nearly 6,000 times in the Bible and I only found 18 references (including the two mentioned above) that do not use the word “say or speak, etc.”

Therefore, when Solomon purposed to build a house for the Lord, he SPOKE OUT HIS VISION! He didn’t keep it in his heart. Because it was a passion, burning within his soul, he couldn’t keep it to himself. He had to speak it out.

Can I encourage you, dear wives and mothers, to confess your purpose? SPEAK IT OUT DAILY. Confess to others. Remind your family about it.

“Dear children, God has made us a family and our highest purpose in life is to build a house for God in this world. We are in this together. Each one of us is part of the building program. Everything we do, we do with the intention to make our family strong for God. To make our home a holy home for His presence. To build an ark of protection in the midst of this deceived and dark world (Hebrews 11;7).”

When people ask your occupation, tell them: “I am building a family for God and His kingdom.”

When you have a purpose, you will accomplish great things.

More tomorrow.

Be blessed,

Nancy Campbell


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