How Do We Value Life?

I pick up the telephone…

"Hi Nancy, I’ve got exciting news. God is blessing us with another baby but I’m too scared to tell our parents, as there’ll be such a scene. I’ve got to tell someone so I’m calling you."

"Oh how wonderful! This is your second baby since a reversal, isn’t it?

"Yes, and such a welcome surprise. Our last baby was also an unexpected blessing after waiting so many years. We are over the moon."

"But I’m sure that your parents must love your last baby, don’t they?"

"Oh yes, he is the delight of their lives."

"Isn’t it amazing how once the baby comes the parents and ill-wishers all love and embrace the baby?"

"Yes, I guess we’ll just have to get through these next nine months."

The above conversation is typical of hundreds of mothers that talk to me over the phone and at meetings, month after month, year after year. Why is there such a negative attitude toward life? Why do many grandparents throw a fit when they hear of a new baby coming – and yet they adore the baby when it arrives? Why do so many people (Christians included) despise the unborn child and even the prospect of life?

Is it because we have gradually succumbed, without realizing it, to Satan’s tactics which are to "steal, kill, and destroy"? John 10:10. This is his strategy. He hates life. His aim is to snuff out life any way he can – before conception or after! Satan’s kingdom is a kingdom of death and darkness. When we don’t want to embrace children we take the side of the enemy.

God’s kingdom is a kingdom of life. He is the author of life. He is the one who breathes life into every human being. He is the one who desires life. Malachi 2:14 asks the question, "What does God want from your marriage?" We listen and back comes God’s answer, "I want a godly seed." This is God’s heartbeat. This is His theme throughout the Scriptures.

When God wants to bless His people, He says, "I will multiply you…and bless the fruit of your womb." Deuteronomy 7:14. When God wants to reward us, He says, "Happy is the man that has his quiver full of them." Psalm 127:3-4. "Full of children?" did I hear you ask? Yes, "full of them" God says. "Ha, Ha, you won’t get me doing that. Two are enough for me!" you reply. But does this attitude line up with God’s heart toward children? No, this is the attitude of the world that Satan has now cleverly instigated in the church.

I can expect this attitude from those who don’t acknowledge God, but it causes my heart to ache when I find it is the attitude of those who own the name of the Lord. Some weeks ago I spoke at a homeschooling meeting and in the course of my message I asked the question, "Hands up those who have a new life in their womb? To my amazement, no hands went up! And this was amongst about 60 women of childbearing age!

How can this attitude be on the lips of those who preach on the behalf of the God who loves children? Last year a mother came to an Above Rubies retreat in Wisconsin. She had been convicted for about four years to get a reversal from her tubal ligation but was waiting for her husband’s consent.

At the retreat she purchased A Change of Heart that she took home to her husband and God touched his heart too. They shared their desire with their pastor who was so antagonistic that he put them out of the church!

Does our attitude about children line up with God’s heart or have we been squeezed into the mould of the world? God’s attitude is "Allow the little ones and do not stop them from coming to Me, for of this kind the kingdom of heaven is composed." Matthew 19:14. And "Whoever receives one such child in My name, receives Me." Matthew 18:5. I think we have to ask ourselves the question, "Choose you this day whom you will serve." Can we say as Joshua did, "As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord."? Joshua 24:15.

Dear precious mothers, don’t despise the gift that God has given you. You have been ordained to nurture and bring forth life. You are a life-giver. This is the most awesome privilege in the whole of the world. Not only do you have the honor of bringing a life into the world, but a soul that will live forever. When a new baby is conceived in your womb, you have eternity in your womb. You bring forth a life that will last forever and ever.

Motherhood is an eternal career. It carries on into the eons of eternity. One of the greatest deceptions of Satan is to seduce mothers to be captivated with their careers and ministry outside the home so they don’t have time to create life. All these "things" will be left behind. Instead, they will be empty of that which they could have taken into eternity – the redeemed souls of their children.

The enemy knows the power of LIFE. Every human being that comes into the world is another potential for God’s purposes and glory and to destroy the works of the enemy. This is why Satan tries to destroy God’s purpose for mothers. The greatest threat to him is a mother who understands her calling, to nurture and nourish life, to train, polish and sharpen these children for God’s mighty purposes – and for the eternal age.

At every strategic time of history Satan has tried to eliminate life. At the time that God was preparing a nation to show His light to the world, Satan tried to kill all the baby boys, but Moses was spared. When the time came for God to bring His holy Son into the world, Satan once again tried to kill all the babies, but Jesus was spared.

Now at this end time when God is looking for a people to fulfill His purposes like no other time in history, Satan is once again trying to eliminate the army of God. Over these last few decades he has been very successful. Born again, God loving Christians have fallen into His deceptive plan and helped him reduce God’s end time army. How long will we continue to become his pawns? May God help us to truly live in the kingdom of God which is the kingdom of LIFE.

Isaiah 59:19 says, "When the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord shall lift up a standard against him." May God help us to lift up the standard of life, which is God’s standard.



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