Family Life | Children, The Way We Build The Nation

children how we build the nation

Our Children

The Way we Build the Nation


Children are wonderful.

They are beautiful.

They know how to get your attention.

We adore their chubby cheeks.

Their cute ways.

Their big innocent eyes.

Their little pitter patter of feet.

Their unending questions as they seek answers.

They are our flesh and blood.

They hold our DNA.

They are our future.

They are our heritage.

They are our true riches. Money and possessions cannot compare.

They are gifted, talented, and creative.

They are tomorrow’s leaders.

They are tomorrow’s provision for our family and nation.

They are tomorrow’s security.

They draw love and many other virtues from us.

They make us a charactered people as we build character in them.

We must take responsibility for them so they will in turn take responsibility for us.

Without children there would be no family.

No Home, Sweet Home.

No family vacations.

No birthday parties.

No romances.

No weddings.

No future work force.

No future soldiers to fight evil.

No future fathers and mothers to raise children.

No babies.

No families.

No nation.

It is foolish to raise cats, dogs, and goldfish to satisfy our paternal and maternal instincts. Animals and things are no substitute for children.

By refusing children we accept the destruction of our nation.

Parenting children is NATION BUILDING.

Our western nations have become increasingly sterile, selfish, spoiled, and boring.

Our mothers have vacated the home for their careers.

We have sacrificed our children and family life on the altars of selfishness, careerism, and materialism.

With smaller and smaller families we have become lonely, deprived, unfulfilled, and without character.

We have little, if any family to come home to.

No laughter, no singing, no natural family to entertain us.

We have no one to care for. We have given what little we have to daycare.

No one to love.

In turn, we have no one to love us.

We have been deceived.

We have created our own holocaust.

We have destroyed ourselves through contraception, sterilization, and abortion.

Pro-choice is the choice of destruction.

We are swiftly breaking the generational chains.

The dynasties are quickly ending.

Hell claps its hands.

Heaven weeps.

What have we left to live for?

By the grace of God, every Christian husband and wife should aim to build a dynasty for God.

The world, heaven, and all creation waits to see what can come out of your home.

Every home should be a little church--the father/pastor, the mother/assistant pastor, and the children the congregation.

Give your children your very best effort.

Your home is your sculpturing studio. But, you are not sculpturing clay, stone, or paper mache. You are sculpturing flesh and blood.

As your children are molded in the ways of God, by the enabling of the Holy Spirit, you are sculpturing nothing less than the glorious likeness and image of God.

Could anything be greater? I think not.

The whole world is waiting. Heaven is waiting.

All creation waits for the manifestation of the "sons of God."

It is the desperate need of the nations.

What are you waiting for?

It is high time to stand up and take your place in the greatest building project of all time--THE FAMILY.


Colin Campbell

Above Rubies Address

Email Nancy

PO Box 681687
Franklin, TN 37068-1687

Phone : 931-729-9861
Office Hrs 9am - 5pm, M - F, CTZ