PODCAST TRANSCRIPT | EPISODE 233: What Does God Want Us to Do in the Land? Part 9

Epi233picLIFE TO THE FULL w/ Nancy Campbell

EPISODE 233: What Does God Want Us to Do in the Land? Part 9

Allison Hartman joins me again today as we share a few more things on our hearts. And I get back to our series with No.4. GOD WANTS US TO COMMAND OUR CHILDREN IN THE LAND. Many parents are afraid to command their children; they just want to be their friends. But God instructs us to command our children. What does this look like?

Announcer: Welcome to the podcast, Life to The Full, with Nancy Campbell, founder and publisher of Above Rubies.

Nancy Campbell: Hello, ladies! Here we are again, and yes, I have Allison Hartman with me again, so we’ll be talking about things together with you today.

Before we get talking, I just have a little Scripture that I’d love to share with you. I was reading it the other day in Psalm 47:13. It says: “For he strengthens the bars of thy gates. He hath blessed thy children within thee.” As we read that, we see how God wants our children protected. He wants them protected within our homes. He wants the bars of our gates strengthened.

I think it’s so important to strengthen the bars of our gates, to watch that we don’t allow the enemy to come in with his subtle inroads to get into our homes, with all his deceiving and worldly ways, or even when he wants to blatantly come in. Sometimes he tries to blatantly come in; other times, subtlely. But whatever, we are watching out.

In fact, I did write a manual about this whole subject called The Gatekeepers of the Home. You can get that book by going to the webpage, aboverubies.org. In this particular manual, I go back to Nehemiah 3, where it talks about Nehemiah building up and strengthening the gates of Jerusalem.

Back in that time, there were 12 gates in Jerusalem that guarded the city. And I’m sure you remember that there will be 12 gates in the heavenly city of Jerusalem. At the moment, they don’t have 12 gates in Jerusalem. I think it’s only about eight gates now, because of all the wars over the years. But there will be 12 gates again.

Back then, every single gate had a name. Every name had a specific meaning. It was very purposeful. Nehemiah started at the Sheep Gate. The Sheep Gate was where they brought the sheep in for the sacrifices. Of course, the Sheep Gate is representing, pointing, of course, to the sacrifice.

Every day, back in the Old Testament, they sacrificed a lamb every morning and every evening. But it all pointed to the sacrifice of the Lamb of God, when He would be sacrificed for our sins. It was one sacrifice. Jesus was sacrificed once and for all, so there was no more need, ever again, for the daily sacrifices.

But that Sheep Gate, it represents salvation, because when Jesus sacrificed His body and shed His blood, it was for the salvation of our sins. Of course, that’s the very first gate, where we start with our families, to make sure that they come into salvation, that they are born again, that even when they are little, we are leading them to Christ, and to a personal salvation with Jesus.

Our gates are very, very important. I’m not going to keep talking about the gates. My, I’d be here all day! But this Scripture in Psalm 47 is another one encouraging us to strengthen the bars of our gates. “He has blessed thy children within thee,” or “within thy walls,” as some translations say.

I was quite amazed as I looked into that word, where it says: “He has blessed thy children within thee.” This is where our children are meant to be, not out, not out being looked after by someone else who we don’t really even know. Not out, being educated by someone we don’t even know. We don’t know their character. We don’t know what they’re teaching our children. Oh, my.

No, God wants our children within our walls, where we are protecting them, where we are teaching them, where we are preparing them, and making them strong and ready for their destiny. There will be a time when they go out from our walls. Yes, we’re not training our children for hibernation. No, we are preparing them for the revelation of the Image of God in the world.

But we have to prepare them in this safe place before they are ready to go out. This word means, it’s amazing. It means, “the nearest part, in the center, the inward part, the inward thought.” It is the same word that is even used for the purtenances. Have you ever heard that old-fashioned word? That’s the King James language for the inner parts of your body, your lower parts of your stomach, the inner part, the bowels. It’s called the “purtenances.” But that’s actually the word. It has such a meaning of the inward parts.

Same word, when David said: “I will walk within my house with a perfect heart.”

Same word when he said: “Oh, bless the Lord, O my soul, and all that is within me.” T

This is where God wants our little children, within the home, protected within the walls of our home. That’s where He blesses our children. I just wanted to encourage you again, dear moms, with that beautiful Scripture and to know this is God’s heart for your little ones. Amen?

Well, Allison and I have a few other things that we’d love to talk about together. I wanted you to tell us, Allison, about how you are doing this Power of Motherhood Bible study back there in Pensacola.

I'm not sure if you are familiar with my manual, The Power of Motherhood. I wrote it many years ago and re-edited it a few years ago. It’s a manual that goes into the Word of God to see what God says about us as a mother. We need to know what God says, not what society says, but what God says.

It’s a manual that you can use on your own. It has questions at the end of each chapter which you can answer personally in your own meditation. Or, if you’re doing it as a group, you can talk about them together. I think it’s great when you can do it as a group. Hundreds of ladies over the years have used this manual as Bible study for mothers. So, tell how us how you’ve been doing!

Allison: It’s interesting, about 20 years ago, I did The Power of Motherhood Bible study.

Nancy: I did write it a long time ago.

Allison: Yes, you did! That was my first finding out about you. I went to a Mennonite’s house. This amazing Mennonite lady had a Bible study. I was about the only one of the non-Mennonites there. But we studied The Power of Motherhood. I only had one child then, maybe two.

Nancy: So, now you have eleven?

Allison: Right. The lady who led the Bible study has eleven children also, and I thought, “Wow!” For the last 20 years, I’ve been going to your conferences and reading things on my own. I started thinking, I am so incredibly blessed with not only receiving so much wonderful wisdom from your books, but also personally.

I thought, “I need to put that into someone else. I need to bless someone else with everything I have in my brain from you.” I thought, “I’m going to start a Bible study.” A friend of mine in my little town also felt the same thing. She had also been to several conferences. She and I had bought several copies of The Power of Motherhood years ago and had stored them. We thought, “All right, we’re going to get them out.” I think it was, let’s see, how many chapters are in that book?

Nancy: I can’t remember myself!

Allison: Twenty? I feel like maybe twenty. We started this about 18 weeks ago. I put it all on Facebook and said, “Would anybody like to join me? I’ll be doing a Bible study on The Power of Motherhood at a coffee shop on a weeknight.” The first night we had probably 12 ladies come. The last 18-20 weeks we have had anywhere from six to 16 ladies.

It’s become a really tight group. None of us go to the same churches. None of us actually even knew each other before this Bible study. But what we all have in common is that we’re attempting to raise children in a very culturally challenging time. We joke we use your book as kind of a baseline.

But really, we have a lot of fun with tangents and really challenge each other. We did decide to do it at night so we could come and do more like a girls’ night out. But this study is set up perfectly that if you wanted to do it in your home, have children playing outside, you could definitely do that.

We all voted, “Let’s do a girls’ night out.” Some of us bring babies if we’re nursing, but for the most part, it's been a ladies’ Bible study. It’s been really good. We share prayer requests at the end. You can tell that these ladies are truly praying for each other.

It’s got a little heated sometimes. We’ve had some discussions that have caused a little bit of a disagreement and some controversy. But what we have found is that whenever that subject has come up, some of us are a little bit stronger personalities. But our goal is to go back to the Word and to decide, “What does the Bible truly say about this?”

Nancy: And that’s great. I think that’s the wonderful thing of getting together, you can discuss things together, where each one is at. But, isn’t it good to go, “OK, we’ve all got these varying ideas, but what does the Word say?” I remember you telling me how you got up to the chapter where it says “Mothers are fruitful.”

Allison: Are fruitful!

Nancy: You said, “OK, well, I don’t think we’ll have to speak about this, because we’ve all got loads of children!”

Allison: We said, “We’ll just skip this chapter.”

Nancy: What happened?

Allison: We thought, “We’ll just have coffee and visit, because all of us have several, quite a few children.” We’ve all got that. Well, it ended up being one of the most heated discussion Bible studies, because at the beginning of the study we talked about this whole concept of women are to be fruitful.

One of the ladies said, “But does this message really need to be taught in church?” The opening question I said was, “How many of you, by a show of hands, how many of you are either going to or have ever been to a church where they have preached on the subject of God being in charge of the size of your family? Letting God decide what your family size is.”

No one could say that they were in or had ever been to a church. We all represented probably ten different churches. We thought, “Wow!” Then, the part that became a little heated was when someone said, “But is it something that needs to be talked about in church? This probably doesn’t need to be discussed in church because, can you imagine a visitor coming to a church and hearing, “Be fruitful and multiply! Replenish the earth, and subdue it, and take over it!” No, it might not be a good subject matter for Sunday church.”

It seemed like everyone else started to agree with that. “Well, yeah, yeah.” But then my heart was pounding because I knew that this subject could be substituted with something else. Homosexuality. Gluttony. Debt. You name it. How many subjects that are in the Bible do we want to not bring up in church for the sake of offending someone? Well, guess what, just about every subject in the Bible can be offensive to someone!

When the study was finally over, I think we all came to the consensus that church is for the believers. It’s for the saints. We are to be there to encourage each other, build each other up, admonish each other. See what the Word says about subjects, and not be scared to bring up a subject because you might offend somebody.

Where we thought this subject was going to be such a slam-dunk, everybody agrees, it ended up being one more thing that we, as mothers, are following into this cultural blah, this neutrality, this “I don’t want to say anything, because I don’t want to offend anyone!”



Nancy: As we take that stand of wanting to be silent, because we don’t want to offend anyone, truth is being lost. A generation is growing up, not knowing truth because we, as mothers, we are the transmitters of truth. We must keep filling them with truth. But I’m thinking of something, and I’ve really got to go and get a copy of The Power of Motherhood to find what I want to say. Can we take one minute?

Allison: Yes!

Nancy: In chapter 21, I give all the different Hebrew words for “children.” God doesn’t only have one word for “children.” His heart is so big for children that I found, can you believe it, ladies, I found 50, 5-0, different Hebrew words for the word “children.” That is amazing!

Now, the most common Hebrew word is the word ben. You often hear that in Jewish names. Ben Yochanan, Ben Yehovah, or whatever. It’s meaning is “the son of so-and-so.” If you go to the Strong’s Concordance, you will find in the concordance that that word literally means “the builder of the family name.” That’s a beautiful meaning.

Of course, it comes from the root word banah, “to build.” A child means that you’re a builder of the family name. You’re helping to build the family. That word ben is used, let me look at it here, nearly 4,000 times in the Word of God. That’s apart from all the other Hebrew names and apart from the 26 Greek words for “children.”

Let’s compare. When we go to church these days, we hear so many powerful messages about grace, love, faith. It’s so important to hear these messages, but let’s get it in perspective. Faith, how would we survive without faith? That word is only used two times in the Old Testament.

Allison: Wow!

Nancy: Ben, just one of the Hebrew words, is used 4,000 times! What about “grace”? It’s used 39 times in the Old Testament, 170, including the New.

“Love.” It’s a pre-eminent theme in the Bible. It is used 131 times in the Old Testament but 310 in the whole of the Bible.

What about “prayer”? The word “pray” is used 240 times in the Old Testament, but only 68 in the New.

But think of the thousands of times the word “children” is used. Words that start from in the womb right through every phase of the child, and even into adolescence. I think we have to become a little more balanced, don’t you? We rarely hear a message on embracing children, but that word is used more in the Bible than even these great themes of love and grace and faith!

When you think about how some of the ladies thought, “Oh, well, you shouldn’t talk about this at church,” this is the very first word that God said into the ears of man! When He created male and female, the Word of God says: “And to bless them, and He said unto them, be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth, and subdue it, and take dominion.” The very first words! So, you’re not ever allowed to speak about the very first command God gave? We are out of balance, aren’t we?

Allison: Absolutely.

Nancy: That was interesting, wasn’t it?

Allison: It’s been a great study, and I encourage you to, even if you’re not more of a hospitable-type person that will have people in your home, you can always do something like I said, at a local little restaurant or coffeeshop. It’s been a great discussion.

I think all of us in this 20 weeks have grown. We’ve really seen what most people are doing in today’s world. We’ve looked at what Scripture teaches us, and then we think what we, as mothers, we want to do better and greater than what’s going on in today’s world. It’s encouraging to be with other moms who discuss and share, “Hey, I’m struggling with this.” It’s been good.

Nancy: And you can, if you want to purchase as a group, The Power of Motherhood, if you buy ten or more, I can give you 40% discount. You won’t get that on the webpage. You’ll have to call us. Our phone number is in the magazine, or on the webpage. Just give us a call, and we can arrange a 40% discount for you if you’re wanting to do it as a group. I know you can be blessed by that. Ph: 931 729 9861.

Well, just quickly, how’s your market going, down in Pensacola?

Allison: So good, so good. Yes, so really quickly, we started a Farmer’s Market about five months ago. It has grown and grown and grown. It’s been such a blessing to our community. We are right now with about 380 vendors on our list. Each Saturday we have between 75 and 80 vendors that come, several thousand shoppers. It’s been amazing.

We’re actually very possibly opening up another one in another city, but it’s been great, seeing the community come together, vendors working together. We’re getting to buy local produce, local crafts, local products, and support local businesses. Everything’s been great about it. It’s been wonderful.

Nancy: So great! Now I want to get onto my next point in our series, “What Does God Want us to do in the Land?” I know it will be great to have Allison sharing with me on this point.

We’re up to . . .


I think today many parents are afraid of commanding their children. They think, “Oh, if I command my children, they’ll just leave! I’ll just maybe suggest, or hope they’ll do the right thing.”

No, the Bible actually tells us to command. You see, the Bible is so different from society. Do we live our lives by the culture, or do we live our lives by the Word of God?

Like Matthew 4:4 says: “Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.” That is how we should live! By every word. on every subject, we go, and we find what God says.

What does He say? Deuteronomy 32:44-47 says . . . Well, actually this is the word that came after this song that Moses wrote and taught the people of Israel. It says: “And Moses came and spake all the words of this song in the ears of the people. And he said unto them, Set your hearts unto all the words which I testify among you this day, which ye shall COMMAND YOUR CHILDREN” (did you hear that? Not suggest) “COMMAND YOUR CHILDREN to observe to do, all the words of this law. For it is not a vain thing for you; because it is your life: and through this thing ye shall prolong your days in the land.”

We’re talking about the land. When we talk about the land, this was originally the Promised Land that God was bringing His people into. But it’s also a type of the land of the kingdom of God. It’s a type of the land of motherhood in which we live. We will be blessed in the land as we do this.

This word “command,” what does it mean? The Hebrew means “to command, to give charge, to commission. It’s a picture of a superior giving a verbal communication to a subordinate, as a father to a son, or a king to his subjects.” It’s not just a suggestion. It is a command.

We see some other examples. 1 Samuel 17:20: “And David rose up early in the morning and left the sheep with a keeper, and took and went as Jesse had COMMANDED HIM.” He was a young teenager, and he did what his father commanded. His father didn’t say, “Well, it might be a good idea, David, if you go down and take this food and things to your brothers.” No. He commanded him!

We can’t be afraid of commanding. Of course, it’s the way we command. If you’re going to command with the wrong spirit, that’s not going to go over with your children. We can command in a very loving way but with the authority that God gives to us as parents.

We read about Abraham in Genesis 18:19: “For I know him.” God says: For I know him, that HE WILL COMMAND HIS CHILDREN and his household after him, and they shall keep the way of the LORD, to do justice and judgment; that the LORD may bring upon Abraham that which He hath spoken of him. Abraham was an example father. God told him, and he had that within him as a father, to command his children and his household after him. I think that’s something that’s been forgotten today, don’t you?

Allison: Absolutely. Absolutely. Yes, I think there’s this, you want to call it wimpy parenting. Wimpy parenting creates wimpy children. We just started a YouTube channel, and our title is “Raising Warriors, Not Wimps.”

When you think about raising a warrior, someone in authority of a unit or an army, they’re not going to wimpfully suggest, “Hey, go clean your room whenever you feel like it,” or “Hey, I need you to do your schoolwork whenever you’re done with that.” No, we have to, yes, absolutely, we’ve got to have that authority. We’ve got to do it in love, but we have to have our children and our children want that. They love having boundaries and having someone . . .

Every morning we have family meetings. We sit down, and we talk about our day. We decide

who’s doing what, and when, and why, and how. We lay out the groundwork for the day. Yes, I ask for input, but they know that whether it’s me or my husband, whoever’s home, or both, we’re the final authority. We’re going to decide what’s going to happen. Children need that. They thrive off of it. They’re confused when they don’t have that final authority. It leads to confusion. Then there’s, “Who do I obey? What do I do first?”

Nancy: And it also brings instability to the children. They feel safer when they have boundaries and when they know intuitively that their parents are there to lead them, direct them, and to guide them. That’s what it means to be a parent. Look, dear precious moms, and along with your husbands, we’ve got to be parenting, not just sort of letting them grow up how they like. No! We are parenting them.

Allison: Can I say something about parenting? I’m seeing in this a whole other podcast. I’m seeing these parents really desiring to be their children’s friend.

One thing they’re really being loose on is devices. Children are on phones and devices so much, because I think the parents don’t want to lay down the ground rules. We’ve got to be strong on that. There will be no devices in our home. There will be no phones, tablets, access.

You have to take authority over that. You can’t worry about what other families are doing or what their friends get to do. No, take authority over that. Make your children’s well-being their safety, their souls a priority.

Nancy: Yes, I think sometimes in many homes today, it’s really the children who have become the parents! They decide what happens. I am amazed at how children from Christian parents will come out of the home dressed immodestly! I cannot believe that!

I think, “Where are the parents?” They’re coming out with these short skirts. You can see cleavage. How, how does even a young person come out of a home, supposedly a Christian home, looking like that? Where are the parents? Where are the parents?

Allison: I don’t blame the children. I blame the parents, the fathers. Where are you, fathers? Are you seeing your daughters on social media posting pictures in seductive poses and wearing things? Where are you? Are you willing to stand up and say, “Absolutely not! You are not. I love you so much that I’m not letting you wear that.”

We don’t have to just continue on with whatever is in style. We’ve got to raise, yes, we have to raise children that want to dress modestly, but if we’re not there yet, then that is your job. To command what they wear.

Nancy: Oh, yes!


Allison: Now you know somebody’s sitting there thinking, “Oh, you just can’t tell people, children, what to do. Rules without relationship lead to rebellion.” Yes, but you’ve got to have rules. You have to have rules with relationship.

You’re not your daughter’s friend by allowing her to dress in a way to where a young boy is going to not have to subtlely lust after her. He doesn’t have to do much thinking. It’s all laid out there for him. You’re not doing your children a service. I think that’s a perfect example.

Nancy: It is. And I do believe that we have a responsibility, dear godly mothers, who I’m speaking to today. Just the norm today is for our young people to come out with their tights. OK, well, if they have something over them that covers, that’s fine. But half the time they hardly cover. You can see every little thing.

Do you know that it’s possible to be naked, even when you’re clothed? Oh, yes. Even older women, too. All of us, we have to watch that we’re not naked, even when we’re clothed, because today these tights, and even many jeans, help! Even then, you can see every nook and cranny, and every curve, and every crease.

Most of the young people don’t even have a clue what they see. They don’t see their bottoms from behind, but the young men do. Even I notice, and I don’t even know where to look. What about the young men? Although many of them are getting so desensitized. I don’t know. But it’s not godly. Who does it come back to? The parents. It’s the parents.

Allison: A lot of these parents are paying for these clothes. I’m always appalled around prom and homecoming when you see these families that are from Christian homes.

Nancy: Yes, because you photograph them, so you see them!

Allison: Yeah, it is absolutely, and it’s getting worse and worse and worse. It’s absolutely disgusting to me.

Nancy: But it’s from Christian homes!

Allison: I know. And wedding gowns! We could just go on and on and on. But the style of wedding gowns and prom gowns right now is to literally show most of your breasts to where it is you’re leaving a little to the imagination, but that’s almost . . .

I talked to a man one time who ran a pornography ministry. He had been addicted to it for years, his whole life. He told us that a girl that is dressed seductively is more of an attraction than someone who’s totally naked. I don’t know. You probably didn’t want to talk about all this.

Nancy: No, this is very true.

Allison: But this is the style! So again, what we talked about on our last podcast, is we’re either for Him, or we’re against Him. We’re dressing ourselves by these leftist, evil dressmakers in Hollywood, right? They’re deciding what the style is. Well, the style is to just cover up a little bit of your breasts, but show most of it. Well, do they know what they’re doing? Oh, absolutely! Do these young fifteen-year-olds?  Probably not. But their parents should.

Nancy: Yes absolutely.

Allison: We’ve got to be bold enough to command them.

Nancy: Yes! And we determine the culture. We, as mothers, determine the culture! Because what is the culture we’re living in? It’s totally ungodly, but we have allowed it!

Just as we’re closing, I think of another Scripture where it says: “Command it.” Actually, my husband was speaking about this on Sunday. In Exodus 16, it’s talking about how God sent them manna every day for the provision of their food. The manna also speaks to us of the Word of God, which is our food, which we feed upon every day. It’s interesting.

Verse 15 tells that God says: “This is the bread which the Lord has given you.” Then verse 16: “This is the thing which THE LORD HATH COMMANDED.” There’s that same word, same word in the Hebrew again, that He has commanded. And what did He command? He said, “Gather of it every man.”

Now, this is interesting. Sorry, ladies, I wish your husbands could be hearing this because this is a command to your husbands. The word here in the Hebrew is not a generic word for “man” as we read sometimes, but it’s ish, which is the actual word for “man.” The word for “woman” is ishah. But this is ish.

So, the man had to go out and get the manna. “Gather of it every man according to his eating, an omer for every man, according to the number of your persons, take ye every man for them which are in your home.” God has given a command to men, to husbands, to go and get the Word every day for their family. Not only the provision, to provide for the food for their family, because God has given that mandate to the man, but not just the physical food, but the spiritual food. God has given that mandate and it’s a command.

Right through the Word, we see God commanding and also giving that word to parents, that we are then, as God commands us, then we are to command our children His ways. Because that’s His plan, that we pass it on. We are the transmitters of God’s Word to our children and to our children’s children. We transmit His truth to the next generation.

Therefore, it is true, as I said before, dear ladies, that we, as mothers, are the determiners of the culture of our society. Because if we are transmitting and imparting God’s truth and His Word into our children’s lives and it’s working out in their lives, and in the way they live, act, and dress, OK, we determine the culture. But what kind of a culture are we living in today? Such an ungodly culture! So where have we been, moms? We’ve got to take hold of what God wants for us.

Let’s just close with Isaiah 59:21: As for me, this is my covenant with them, saith the LORD; My spirit that is upon thee, and My words which I have put in thy mouth, shall not depart out of thy mouth, nor out of the mouth of your children, nor out of the mouth of thy children’s children, saith the LORD, from henceforth and forever.

This is what God has given to us. We are the transmitters of His truth. We’ve got to get it into our children. Not even just into their hearts, but into their mouths so it’s coming out their mouths. Is God’s truth and His Word coming out of the mouths of your children and the mouths of your children’s children? Oh, dear ladies, wow! This is who we are meant to be.

We can change the culture through our parenting. Amen?

Allison: Amen.

Nancy: Well, time has gone again.

“Dear Father, we thank You that we can share together and remind each other of Your precious Word. Oh God, I pray that You will raise up every mother listening, and all the mothers who acknowledge You as their God and their Savior, that Lord, they will rise up to, oh God, impart Your truth, to make it their life.

“That’s what Your Word says. This is your life, for this is your life, to command your children in My ways. Oh God, let’s get it! This is our life! This is what You’ve given us to do! Lord God, You give us children and children’s children, Lord, to impart Your Ways to them. This is our life. Help us to make it our life. We pray in the Name of Jesus. Amen.”

Blessings from Nancy Campbell

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Transcribed by Darlene Norris * This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


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Above Rubies Gulf Coast January Family Retreat 2023

Registration fee: $200

Housing is VERY limited, assigned through Gulf Coast Above Rubies Organizers

Teaching, worship, prayer, small groups, great fellowship, family activities, volley ball and basketball competitions, fun games on the beach. The schedule and meal info will be released soon. 

If you would like to join us for our first ever WINTER family retreat, make sure to register asap!! We only have about 25 housing units available for this retreat, and they will be first-come first-served to those that register and pay through the link below! 

*If you are not satisfied with the housing that is available by the time we get to your name on the list, we will refund your registration at your request at that time. Otherwise, the $200 registration fee is non-refundable. The great news is that we will get the winter rates for campus housing, and the prices are incredibly affordable!!!! 

Gather your friends, old and new, and join us for this exciting week of fellowship together! We can’t wait to be with you!

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Above Rubies Gulf Coast Spring Family Retreat 2023

Registration fee: $200 (non-refundable)

Meals $60/person ages 3+

Housing is assigned through Gulf Coast Above Rubies Organizers, but payment for your housing will go directly to Laguna. 

This is our biggest retreat serving over 100 families during our week of fellowship, sessions with Nancy and Colin Campbell, breakout sessions with gifted speakers and teachers, family activities, and incredible worship! Come as a friend but leave as family! If you aren’t already registered, sign up now! We still have room!

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August 9 – 16 THE REUNION

Above Rubies Gulf Coast Family Reunion 2023

Registration fee: $100 (non-refundable)

No meals are offered at the reunion, but potlucks tend to happen a few times! 

Housing is assigned through Gulf Coast Above Rubies Organizers, but payment will go directly to Laguna. 

Have you attended one of our family retreats before? If so, we’d like to invite you to a reunion on the beach! Join your favorite families for a week of fun and fellowship! Nancy and Colin will join us for a few sessions, and we will host a handful of family activities, but this week is much more laid back than the typical retreats. 

If you have any questions about this family retreat, please email us at .">This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


Registration link:
