

prayinggranmasThe heat was almost unbearable—the hottest summer on record, we were told. Our menu for Christmas was cold cuts and raw food. New Year’s Eve was no different; the heat was still on. The coolest place I could find was in front of the computer with a fan going full bore--paper flying everywhere! I opened my e-mails noting there were a couple from Nancy that looked quite interesting, but I was too exhausted by the heat to concentrate on reading them or even staying up for the New Year. In the morning, I vowed!

I had no idea how these two e-mails, about the power of praying grandmothers, would revolutionise me. I wonder now how I slept so deeply, while my world was about to change dramatically from the information only a few feet away! The information itself did not bring such change. Initially I was inspired to pray for my grandchildren in a fresh way but it was the actual responding to the call to pray that wrought such a change in my life.

Yes, the word is out that it is time for anointing upon praying grandmothers. “Bloodhounds” we have been labeled, on the scent and pursuing our grandchildren’s needs! These third and fourth generations are under more enemy attack than any other generation. Preventing life before it has begun has become an enemy strategy of monumental proportions. Even when life manages to form in the womb, it is often destroyed. In Jesus’ and Moses’ day the life threat was regional and for a short time span. Today, this threat is global and generational. The very lives and minds of our grandchildren are critical and desperately need our bloodhound anointed prayers.


The call to arms in the spiritual realm is urgent! Grandmas and great-grandmas, our children and grandchildren are desperate for our prayer support. A bloodhound stays on the trail and does not give up. The victim will seek a place of refuge, perhaps up a tree. Can you see your precious children and grandchildren up the tree into a safe place? You keep them there by your daily prayers, until they cry out to God to save them, or deliver them from whatever danger they are facing!

There is much work to do. We may no longer be able to keep up with the younger generation physically, but we are in a spiritual war. Even in times of natural wars there is always a home guard, made up primarily of an older generation. We do not fight with carnal weapons, but with weapons that are mighty for the pulling down of strongholds. Impossible looking situations can be destroyed through our prayers. Let us run with this anointing.

It has been suggested that if you don’t have a praying, bloodhound type Grandma who doesn’t back off, then why not adopt one! New Year’s Day evening, Bill and I were asked to go to a friend’s home. The husband was really struggling with raising his daughters and at his wit's end. The lament was that their daughters were being influenced by the world, even though they were home-schooled. Of course, I opened my big mouth and said, “What you need is a praying bloodhound type grandma!”

“Thanks, Val. You are our chosen adopted grandmother!” I walked straight into that one! I accepted the challenge and since then this father has come into a renewed strength. I’m witnessing him climb back into his rightful position of authority and strength both physically and spiritually. If we are going to pray for our grandchildren effectively, it is imperative that we pray for the parents also. Parents are the greatest influence in their lives and are desperate for our support.


The idea is not to wear out a few grandmas but to mobilize as many as possible. We don’t want a few, we need an ARMY! A formidable foe putting the enemy to flight! We can fight from our armchairs, our beds or kitchen tables!

Psalm 92:12-15 says, “The righteous shall flourish like a palm tree…those who are planted in the house of the Lord shall flourish in the courts of our God. They shall still bear fruit in old age; they shall be fresh and flourishing…” The RSV says that we will ever be “full of sap”. Did you hear that, grandma? Full of sap! Confess it. Claim it. Another word used in the RSV is verdure, meaning ‘greenness, abundance, and luxuriance.’ We can be luxuriant in love, forgiveness, grace, contentment and prayer! Sounds like we are rolling in it, doesn’t it? I’m glad I’m a grandma! We may be declining in years but God says we are still growing in spiritual powers.

Psalm 71:18 says, “Now also when I am old and gray-headed, O God, do not forsake me, until I declare your strength to this generation, your power to everyone who is to come.” Make this your prayer and purpose. God has taken years to prepare us for this hour. Will you rise up with me to help fight this battle while there is still time? I long to see a revival in our nations and to see God’s vision for families restored. Prayer is the key! If you are an older woman with no grandchildren to pray for, may I encourage you to adopt some? Or, if you need a praying grandmother and don’t have one, ask God to give you one that you can adopt.


This bloodhound mentality started on the 1st January 2006. As I write, it is the 31st January. One month has passed and you may wonder if there have been any answers to my prayers. When I called my eldest daughter, Natalie, yesterday, she was in tears. I wondered what could be wrong, but no, she had been in her room praying. The presence of God was so strong upon her that tears of joy were flowing freely. “Mum”, she said, “I cannot stop sharing with others about the importance of trusting God and keeping our hearts pure before Him.” I am first hand, witnessing the power and anointing being released. As her mother you can imagine my delight and great joy, for she is the mother of seven of my grandchildren for whom I am praying!

GRANDMA VAL STARES, Full of SAP--Super, Anointed Prayer!
Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia
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